Our Church History

Last Supper Drama

In the summer of 1969, a band of five were moved by something that dated back to 1494 – the year when da Vinci was commissioned to paint The Last Supper scene, trying to capture the moods of the apostles after Jesus predicted that one will betray Him. Now this famous work was causing new interest in what it represented.  The drama was presented for 50 years.

Click on the picture for more information about the Last Supper Drama

History of the United Methodist Church


The United Methodist Church shares a common history and heritage with other Methodist and Wesleyan bodies. The lives and ministries of John Wesley (1703–1791) and of his brother, Charles (1707–1788), mark the origin of their common roots. Both of the Wesley brothers had transforming religious experiences in May 1738. In the years following, the Wesleys succeeded in leading a lively renewal movement in the Church of England.

On April 23, 1968, The United Methodist Church was created when Bishop Reuben H. Mueller, representing The Evangelical United Brethren Church, and Bishop Lloyd C. Wicke of The Methodist Church joined hands at the constituting General Conference in Dallas, Texas. With the words, “Lord of the Church, we are united in Thee, in Thy Church and now in The United Methodist Church,” the new denomination was given birth by two churches that had distinguished histories and influential ministries in various parts of the world..

Distinctive Elements in Our Church

Our Stained Glass Windows

One of the more distinctive elements of our church building is the beautiful stained glass window above the nave or main entry to the sanctuary. Leonardo DaVinci’s “The Last Supper” is depicted here.

Installed in 1979, the belltower was commissioned as a memorial for Skip Elson, a member who died in the Vietnam War.  Click HERE to view the dedication program.


Milestone Dates of the West Des Moines United Methodist Church

Winter of 1892-93 First Methodist services held in Valley Junction in Mott’s Hall.
1894 Church built at Seventh and Elm on land bought by Ladies Aid.
1896 Small church is moved across the street and a larger church is under construction at the same Seventh and Elm site.
Winter of 1902 Church badly damaged when fire breaks out in furnace during revival.
1904 First service held at new church at Seventh and Elm.
1942 First pipe organ is purchased and installed.
1947 Land at 8th and Grand purchased.
March 8, 1953 Mrs. Peggy LeVere leads the congregation to donate to the building fund and start building a new church.
February 14, 1954 Cornerstone for Unit I of new building laid, cost is $103,000.
September 19, 1954 First service held in Unit I of new building.
1957 Construction begins on Unit II, cost is $203,465.
December 14, 1958 First service in Unit II in the new sanctuary.
December 28, 1958 Consecration of the new building.
October 6, 1963 Mortgage paid and church dedicated.
1970 First Last Supper Dramatization held on Maundy Thursday.
1971 Construction begins on Unit III, cost is $382,413.
December 4, 1979 Dedication of new bell tower in memory of Skip Elson.
November 1986 Building expansion committee formed.
March 1992 Building expansion completed.